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  • Sinead Walshe RSVP 2020


Please see below what I have been typically asked to sing and play recently at each of the different sections. You can mix around most of the pieces to different sections if you like or choose from the overall repertoire list.

Processional (Choose 1):

Nella Fantasia (Sung and played)

A Thousand Years (Sung and played)

From This Moment (Sung and Played)

For the love of a Princess (Braveheart) (Instrumental)

Pachelbels Canon(Instrumental)

Love Actually (Instrumental)                             

Lighting of the Candles: Short unobtrusive background harp instrumental while the symbolism takes place

Psalm: (Sung)Mo Ghrá Thú or Eagles Wings or Sé an Tiarna M’Aoire

Gospel Acclamation: Seinn Alleluia

Lighting of the Unity candle: Short unobtrusive background harp instrumental while the symbolism takes place

Offertory Procession: Ave Maria Schubert (sung and played)

Sign of peace: Tabhair dom do lamh (Instrumental) or Pie Jesu  (Sung and played) or Make me a Channel of your Peace(Sung and Played)

Communion (2 pieces here generally  - depending on how many are in the church):

Amazing Grace (Sung and Played)

Panis Angelicus(Sung and Played)

The Clouds Veil(Sung and Played)

Nella Fantasia (Sung and Played)

The Prayer(Sung and Played)

Pachelbels Canon (Instrumental)

Ag Críost an Siol (Sung and Played)

Signing of the register(2 pieces here generally)  : (Instrumental/Sung) various Harp Instrumentals. Also Nella Fantasia, Falling Slowly,So this is Love, She moved through the fair, Fields of Gold, All of Me, Always Remember Us This Way

Recessional (Choose 1): Somewhere over the Rainbow, Fly me to the Moon,  Carolans Concerto, Nella Fantasia, She moved through the Fair, 1000 Years, Game of Thrones Theme Song, Can’t Help Falling In love, Perfect, So this is Love, Lord of the Dance, All you Need is Love, Stand By Me

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